Vision boards are a powerful tool for bringing the Law of Attraction into reality. The Law of Attraction, for anyone who hasn’t heard, simply states that what you think about becomes a part of your reality. You draw into your life what you want by the things you say, do, and believe.
Many of us, while in an inspired mood, have created vision boards. All you need is a blank surface (usually a poster board), imagination, and access to pictures, from a magazine or goal. From there, use the pictures to visually represent the life that you want.
Easy, right?
How many actually use the vision board days after we create it? If you’re like most people, it’s probably sitting behind you or tucked away in some corner while you live your daily life.
That’s what we need to change. Vision boards help us focus on the prize, whether that’s a better body, more money, or international travel, but we have to maintain contact in order for the Law of Attraction to work. We won’t manifest the life we want if we don’t have a clear vision of what that is.
Here are three tips for keeping the power of the vision board in your life:
1. Keep in the place where with the most meaning. Vision boards should be placed where they will inspire you the most. That means if your vision board focuses predominantly on fitness-related items, then you should put in your home gym or exercise area. If you vision board focuses predominantly on money-related items, put it nearby your computer or on in the hallway when you come from or go to work. Tip: Take a look at your vision board and see if any reoccurring themes appear. If so, consider that theme when deciding where to put your vision board.
2. Add things from your present life. Vision boards shouldn’t only include images from the life you want. They can also include images from the life you currently have if you want to continue or expand on in the future. Let’s say that you completed your first 100 situps and took a picture as proof. If that picture inspires you in a positive way, include it. Adding pictures from your own life will bring personal relevance to the board.
3. Update your board as your dreams change. One thing that is guaranteed is that your dreams will change as you grown and change into your new life. Motivations and circumstances may change. That’s a part of life. That doesn’t mean we should keep our vision boards static. Remember the Law of Attraction? The things we keep in our view directs our thoughts and actions. If we keep old and outdated visions, we may not feel fully engaged to our new vision.
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